For Realtors
For close to 30 years Hampton Roads Termite and Pest Control Inc. has focused on working with the local Real Estate community. We have formed close working relationships with many Realtors, not only
Involving WDI/WDO Reports, but also on sponsoring many Realtor functions, charitable events and organizations. For Realtors who have yet to use our services we would like to invite you to give us a call. The following is an explanation of some of the services we provide.
Free preliminary Reports - No one likes last minute surprises. In the Real Estate world, having a major problem surface after the house is sold or in the process of being sold can be a deal breaker. Hampton Roads
Termite and Pest Control Inc. offers free preliminary inspections with no obligations to your buyers or sellers. Often times these inspections not only uncover problems with wood destroying insects and moisture but also notice unrelated problems, such as: falling insulation, damaged ductwork and unwanted inhabitants (rodents, roaches, cats, possums, raccoons..etc.).
Hourly Inspections – Our inspections are set up on the hour, so there is no need to wait around half or all day waiting for an inspector to arrive.
Realtor Talks – Whether you’re new to the Real Estate business or an experienced Realtor, you have likely noticed there is a lot of confusion surrounding paragraph 13 of the REIN contract and the WDI/WDO reports. Please call Hampton Roads Termite and Pest Control Inc. and schedule a free talk, which involves what we actually look for, paragraph 13 of the REIN Contract and its relationship to the WDI/WDO reports. While there we will answer any questions you have regarding these reports. Also, please remember even if we’re not involved in your present transaction we will be glad to answer any questions you may have about the process. We also have the askbob section on this website that might be able to help you.
Prompt delivery of Reports – Our WDI/WDO reports are delivered to the closing location the day after inspection is rendered or upon completion of any related work.
Structural Repairs – Whether from moisture damage or wood destroying insects Hampton Roads Termite and Pest Control Inc. can diagnose a problem, offer solutions, and as a licensed Virginia contractor do any minor or major structural repairs necessary to make your client/customers house comply with Paragraph 13 of the REIN contract.
Treatments/moisture control – our treatment crews are all experienced, registered technicians. We offer treatment of all 5 local wood destroying insects and the control/repair of moisture problems and treatment of wood destroying fungus.
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