Bed Bugs
Bedbugs…even though you may never have had them, you have heard about them and the thought of having them makes you cringe. They have been aggravating homeowners since ancient times and even though they were just about eradicated in the developed world by the 1950s, a problem has occurred.
Due to a greatly increased amount of international travel, homeowner’s lack of awareness, prevention practices and more targeted pest control methods…THEIR BACK!!!
Treating bed bugs are definitely not a “DO IT YOURSELF PROJECT”!!! They are one of the hardest insects to treat, harder that roaches, termites and ants. Following are some facts you should know:
- Infestations are now reported nationwide
- Their infestations have nothing to do with sanitation problems
- They are transient and can be carried from room to room, house to house, and state to state
- Wherever you, your furniture, your luggage or clothes go they can go with you.
- They live at nearly freezing temperatures and up to 122 degree heat.
- They can go for months without feeding.
- They are not known to transmit diseases but can leave itchy welts.
- They don’t just live in beds, they can live pretty much anywhere.
- You can bring them home from movie theaters, book stores, thrift stores,
Visiting neighbors, flea markets, travel….
The most important thing you must know is you will need help in getting rid of them. Hampton Roads Termite and Pest Control Inc. offers a positive approach in educating you, the homeowner, to be vigilant in ways to prevent, detect and protect yourself from bedbugs. We also offer an aggressive, safe and effective program of treatment.
So please call Hampton Roads Termite and Pest Control Inc. and let us help you with all your pest control needs.